Sponsor A Child

Urgent Cause

Orphan Support

Sponsor A Child

The Spogmai Charity Foundation’s orphan sponsorship program provides an opportunity for individuals to support a child in need on an ongoing basis. Through the program, sponsors can make regular donations to cover the cost of the child’s basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing, education, and healthcare with only $40 CAD per month or $480 CAD per year can make a significant difference in their life.


In addition to financial support, the Spogmai Charity Foundation’s orphan sponsorship program also allows sponsors to communicate with the child and receive updates on their progress. Sponsors can develop a personal connection with the child and witness the impact of their contributions first-hand.


The Spogmai Charity Foundation’s orphan sponsorship program has been successful in providing critical support to orphans in Afghanistan. By sponsoring a child through the program, sponsors are helping to break the cycle of poverty and provide opportunities for a brighter future. The program not only benefits the child, but also the wider community by promoting education and empowering children to reach their full potential. 


Overall, the Spogmai Charity Foundation’s orphan sponsorship program is an excellent example of the power of individual contributions in making a positive impact on the lives of children in need.


In addition, your sponsorship can have a ripple effect on the community by promoting education and empowering children to reach their full potential. Through your generous contribution, you can help provide a brighter future for an orphan in Afghanistan.