Monthly report for June 2023

Spogmai Charity Foundation June 2023 Report

Bismillah hir-Rahman ir Rahim

Monthly report for May 2023

📊🕌❤️Assalamu Alaikum 🕌📊❤️
We are pleased to present the financial report for the month of June for Spogmai Charity Foundation. With the blessings and guidance of Allah, we have been able to allocate a total sum of AFG 610,100.00 towards various noble causes aimed at serving the community and uplifting those in need. Here is a breakdown of the expenditures:
1- Ismael Hasanzai High School Well Kabul:
Amount Spent: AFG 203,140.00
Description: One of our significant projects for the month was the construction of a well at Ismael Hasanzai High School. This well has been drilled over 130 meters in depth, ensuring a sustainable and clean water source for over 6000 students and staff. Access to clean water is crucial for their well-being and educational environment.
2- Qurbani:
Amount Spent: AFG 161,300.00
Description: In accordance with the best acts of Eid al-Adha(Qurbani). This allowed us to distribute meat to over 70 impoverished families, ensuring that they could partake in the joyous occasion and have nourishing meals during this blessed time.
3- Spogmai Hakimi Dar ul Hifaz – 4th Installment:
Amount Spent: AFG 108,000.00
Description: As part of our ongoing commitment to education and the well-being of children, we made the fourth installment towards the Spogmai Hakimi Dar ul Hifaz. This contribution will aid in providing a safe and nurturing environment for children both boys and girls, offering them educational opportunities and a loving atmosphere.
4- Purchase of Windows, Doors, and Roof Grider for Spogmai Dar ul Hifaz: AFG 96,860.00
5- Assistance to Poor Families and Patients:
Amount Spent: AFG 22,800.00
Description: With a focus on providing relief to struggling families and patients, we extended financial support to those in need. This included financial aid for basic necessities, medical expenses, and other urgent requirements. Our aim is to alleviate their hardships and bring them comfort during challenging times.
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our donors and supporters who have made these initiatives possible. Your continuous contributions and prayers enable us to carry out these essential projects and uplift those who are less fortunate.
May Allah bless you abundantly for your generosity and kindness.
We remain committed to transparency and accountability in all our endeavors.
May Allah accept our humble efforts and bless them with His infinite mercy. Ameen.
Jazakum Allah Khairan! (May Allah reward you with goodness!)