Building a Solar Water Pump System in Bombaye Speen Kalai , District of Chak-e-Wardak Afghanistan COMPLETED

The lack of basic necessities of life, including clean water and shelter, is a major issue in the rural areas of Afghanistan. Bombaye, Speen Kalai , a small village where around 50 thousands people live and is located in the district of Chak-e-Wardak, is one such community that is in dire need of these essential amenities.


Spogmai Charity Foundation has always been at the forefront of supporting such communities, and this project aims to install solar water pump system on the well of Spin Juma Prayer Mosque which is the only Juma prayer mosque in district and on Fridays people from all district come to Friday congregation.


The solar water pump system will provide water in general to people of Bombaye and specifically to people coming for prayers to Speen Juma Prayer Mosque.


The project’s main objectives are:

  1. To provide the people of Bombaye with access to clean drinking water
  2. To improve the living conditions of the people in Bombaye
  3. To empower the community and promote sustainable development in the area


The project will be implemented in two phases:

Building a Solar water pump system for the existed Well - COMPLETED

The first phase will involve installation of solar-powered water pump on the existed well in Boombaye to provide the community with access to clean water.  


The well supply clean water to the community. For sustainable water availability the solar-powered pump well shall have a water storage tank. 


The water will be tested regularly to ensure it is safe for drinking and other domestic uses.


Phase 1: Building a Solar water pump system for the existed Well - COMPLETED