
The Prophet ﷺ said:

“Sadaqah extinguishes sins just as water extinguishes fire.”


The Prophet ﷺ said:

“Indeed, charity extinguishes the Lord’s anger, and it protects against the evil death.”
[Tirmidhi 664]


If Allah is angry with someone, then Hell will be his destiny. But Sadaqah “extinguishes the Lord’s anger”, Allahu Akbar!


We try to do good but keep on falling into sin. What can we do?


We must keep trying to avoid what causes Allah’s anger and give charity to extinguish it! Allah loves when His servants spend in His cause, seeking His forgiveness and mercy!


Secondly, Sadaqah “protects against the evil death.” But what is the evil death you’ll be protected against?


The scholars have given different explanations. You will in sha Allah be protected against:
Dying in tragedies – like falling from a high place, being crushed beneath a wall, drowning, or being burnt …
Dying suddenly without preparations to meet your Rabb.
Dying in torture – like being crucified.
Dying in the miserable state of committing sins!
Dying in the state of being led astray by the Shaitan when your soul is about to depart.
Allahu Akbar! This is the power of Sadaqah!

SubhanAllah, a wise person, will protect himself by giving as much Sadaqah as possible, as often as he can!


May Allah make us of those who spend in His path and sacrifice to elevate His Deen and bring glory to Islam! And may He SWT let this charity of ours extinguish His anger and protect us against the evil death! Ameen! Allahumma Ameen!
